sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2009

66. FINALLY: My opinion about New Moon (full of spoilers) / FINALMENTE: A minha opinião sobre o New Moon (cheia de spoilers)

First of all, I couldn’t start without apologizing for haven’t written my opinion about New Moon earlier I had tests on school, so I needed to study.
I saw New Moon on 25th November (I haven’t seen it in the cinema yet… just in school xD).
I decided to list my 5 best / 5 worst moments of New Moon.

Primeiro, não poderia começar sem pedir desculpa por não ter escrito a minha opinião sobre o New Moon mais cedo… tive de estudar para os testes da escola.
Vi o New Moon/Lua Nova no dia 25 de Novembro (ainda não fui ao cinema vê-lo… mas vi na escola xD).
Evitando escrever um texto tão grande que ninguém o iria ler… Decidi falar nos 5 melhores / 5 piores momentos de New Moon .

1. Edward saying Romeo’s quotes (it was my favourite part of the film… So nice! Sometimes Robert Pattinson starts mumbling while he’s saying Edward’s quotes, but this time he was perfect!)
Edward a recitar as falas de Romeu (foi a minha parte favorita do filme… Muito bom! Às vezes o Robert Pattinson, quando representa o Edward, não tem a perfeita dicção que é suposto o Edward ter, mas desta vez foi perfeito!)

2. Bella in the forest (because I remembered “FORKS IS TOO GREEN”! It’s while she’s searching the meadow… the landscape is beautifully green.)
A Bella na floresta (porque me lembrei “FORKS IS TOO GREEN / FORKS É DEMASIADO VERDE”! Especialmente na cena em que ela está à procura do prado onde Edward a levou… a paisagem é mesmo verde.)

3. The eyebrow (yes… Edward’s eyebrow lifting during the kiss…)
A sobrancelha (sim… a sobrancelha do Edward a levantar durante o beijo…)

4. October… November… December (I was curious about how would the make that part and I truly like it)
Outubro… Novembro… Dezembro (estava curiosa para saber como iriam fazer esta parte do livro no filme e acabei por gostar muito)

5. Alice vision: Bella as a vampire (Ah! Eureka! Now I know where that photo belonged! That scene was MAGIC!)
A visão da Alice: Bella como vampira (Ah! Eureka! Agora entendo de onde era aquela foto! Essa cena foi MÁGICA!)


1. “You can go to hell!” (From where did this rude-Edward appear?! I hated it! Edward is polite, did you read Stephenie Meyer’s books?!)
“Podes ir para o Inferno!” (De onde é que saiu este Edward-mal-educado?! Detestei essa parte! Edward é educado, será que alguém leu o que Stephenie Meyer escreveu?!)

2. The screaming part (I know that Bella’s supposed to scream during the night… but I didn’t like it at the same)
Os gritos (Eu sei que a Bella grita durante a noite, está no livro… mas não gostei na mesma)

3. The fat-ugly-old-guy-with-the-moto (How on earth would Bella accept go on that moto with THAT dude?! Please!)
O gordo-feio-velho-indivíduo-da-mota (Como poderia a Bella aceitar ir na mota com AQUELE tipo?! Por favor!)

4. Bella “writing” to Alice (Nah… that’s not in the book. It almost gives the idea that Bella misses more Alice than Edward. In the book, Bella can’t even think about any Cullen.)
A Bella “escrever” à Alice (Nah… isso não está no livro. Quase que dá ideia que a Bella sente mais a falta da Alice do que do Edward. No livro, a Bella nem sequer suporta pensar em algum dos Cullen.)

5. Victoria getting Harry Clearwater (wanna bet that the people who hadn’t read the book will think that it was the cause of Harry’s heart-attack?)
A Victoria a agarrar o Harry Clearwater (querem apostar que as pessoas que não leram o livro vão pensar que isso foi a causa do ataque de coração do Harry?)

I also liked Emily (the scar looked great), the “I said she’s a girl and a friend” (I laughed a lot), Rosalie’s look (in this film she’s a “breathtaking Rosalie” like is described in the books), the Volturi picture in Carlisle’s officer (which RPattinson brought from Hogwarts – that was a good one, girls :D)… but MY FAVOURITE FAVOURITE FAVOURITE THING from New Moon was… THE SCORE! Alexandre Desplat was more that perfect! Thank you, Monsieur Desplat! The score gave magic and created strong feelings during the film.

Também gostei da Emily (a cicatriz pareceu-me real), “Eu disse que ela era uma rapariga e uma amiga” (fartei-me de rir), o aspecto da Rosalie (neste filme ela é “a Rosalie de tirar a respiração” como é descrita nos livros), o quadro dos Volturi no escritório do Carlisle (que o RPattinson trouxe de Hogwarts – essa foi muito boa, meninas :D)… mas a MINHA PARTE FAVORITA FAVORITA FAVORITA do New Moon foi… A BANDA SONORA! Alexandre Desplat foi mais do que perfeito! Muito obrigado, Monsieur Desplat! A banda Sonora deu magia e criou sentimentos fortes durante o filme.

3 comentários:

  1. I agree with your likes. especially the months. That was such a beautiful scene! However I didn't like the vision. I loved the idea of a vision, but the clothing and the way they were running in slow-mo, it just had writtin cheesy all over it for me. For your dislikes:

    1. I loved cursing Edward! Just because he looked so damn sexy doing it!
    2. It was a bit over the top, but with the added music it was okay voor me. Not a like, but also not a complete dislike
    3. Agreed. Motorcycle guy was CREEEPY.
    4. I thought that part was really clever. I felt like they really needed to show that Bella still loves Edward, although she seems to be having fun with Edward. Otherwise it would have seemed like she was over him. Since Edward didn't want her, she couldn't write to him, so she wrote to Alice.
    5. I loved that part too, because it showed how dangerous Victoria really is.

    So it seems that we would have a nice discussion here ;).

  2. @Alice:
    - The cursing Edward looks "gradpa-Edward" (see: http://forksistoogreen.blogspot.com/2009/10/57-just-month-left-time-is-running-out.html)
    - Indeed on the motorcycle guy (why didn't they picked a nice guy, that would be a temptation to Bella --')
    - I understand your point and agree, but still don't like the "Letters to Alice" :$
    - I loved Victoria in New Moon (the flame-red hair is brilliant), by the other side I think she wouldn't do it.

    Thank'z for the comment and your "Twiducation time" is beeing a sucess :D

  3. Desculpa mas não concordo aí com uma parte .. A parte em que a Bella grita é das melhores .. Mostra a verdadeira dor que ela sentia e que é narrada durante todo o livro .. Excelente interpretação da actriz.
